Schools and Learning
Attendance Matters Every Day
If you need any support around your child's attendance, please speak to your school who will be on hand to help you.
Early Learning and Childcare
Advice on Early Learning and Childcare Services.
About Enrolments, Home Schooling, Exclusion from School, School Curriculum, Term Dates, Education Fees and Charges and more.
Parental Information
Advice, guidance and support for parents on school enrolment, parental involvement, pupil absence and other school related issues.
Apply for Grants and Allowances
How to apply for placing requests, clothing/free school meals, school travel assistance, work permits, entertainment licences and more.
Learning Programmes
Advice and guidance on early learning/young people and adult learning programmes.
Additional Support Needs
Advice and guidance on supporting children and young people with additional support needs.
Fuel Zone (School Meals)
Information about Glasgow's school meals.
About our Online Payment system for school trips, meals, concert tickets, uniforms, etc.
Physical Education, Activity and School Sports
About our Physical Education, Activity and School Sports.
Vision, Values, Standards, Quality, Performance and Research
Our Vision and Values, Service Plan, Research Access in Schools, School Inspections and more.